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Allied Electronics Is Now Accepting Orders For The Bite-Sized Raspberry Pi


The Raspberry Pi is a tasty little Linux computing device but it’s so far been rather hard to buy. I’ve wanted to order one since it officially started to ship in April. However, due to the limited quantities, retailers sold out nearly immediately.

Enter Allied Electronics. The Texas-based electronic distributor is now taking orders for the Raspberry Pi at the list price of $35 each with the only caveat being shipping is not for 10-12 weeks. But I’ll take it!

The Raspberry Pi is a pretty exciting computing devices. The tiny PCB is packed to the gills with respectable hardware: a Broadcom BCN2835 SoC (700MHz ARM CPU), 256MB RAM, Ethernet, two USB ports, and HDMI. Plus, the Linux core allows for all sorts of general coding fun. It’s hard to find a more capable device for $35 — and now you can finally order one.

Read more : Allied Electronics Is Now Accepting Orders For The Bite-Sized Raspberry Pi

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