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Woot! A $200 32GB HP TouchPad

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Yeah, it’s not $99 and it’s refurbished but it’s still a TouchPad. The tablet was once heralded as an iPad killer. Now, I’m not sure if it could even kill a Notion Ink Adam in a head-to-head sales battle. But still, thanks to an honestly smart move from HP, the TouchPad and webOS is valuable to some in the development community.

But you better act fast like previous TouchPad offers. This deal is up on Woot, where the Amazon subsidiary only has a limited number of items. The price is $195 for a 32GB WiFi TouchPad — not a bad deal for a slightly bulky tab capable of running Android.

HP debuted the TouchPad as a true iPad competitor when it hit stores last summer. But for $500 it was a tough sale even though it was a capable device. Consumers apparently agreed as HP killed the product after just 49 days and eventually cleared out the remaining stock with a $99 firesale. Since then, HP released webOS to the open source community and essentially gutted the departments. This Woot sale might be the last time you can grab an HP TouchPad.

Read more : Woot! A $200 32GB HP TouchPad

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