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Why The iPhone’s Success Has Women To Thank

Women are the hot new demographic to court in the social space (if you can call half the population a “demographic”), but the fairer sex is catching up when it comes to mobile, too, largely thanks to the iPhone. But is Apple’s gender-blind wunderkind truly more popular with women – or is Android, the iPhone’s defacto rival, just less popular?

With 65% of the U.S. population projected to own a smartphone or tablet by 2015, it’s safe to say that the gender differences in mobile are dissolving fast. Women are among the most explosive demographic segments for smartphone ownership, seeing a 13% spike between May 2011 and February 2012. Early adopters still skew male, but these days, the smartphone isn’t a bleeding-edge accessory so much as the gateway gadget for a new cohort of technophobes turned technophile.

It’s no Pinterest, but according to data from now Google-owned Admob, iPhone users were split pretty evenly along gender lines in February of 2010, with women accounting for 43% of iPhone owners. As for Android, that number was at 27% – less than a third.

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