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Tumblr wins after former owner is unresponsive to the dispute

Screen Shot 2012 05 29 at 10.14.53 AM 520x245 Tumblr wins after former owner is unresponsive to the dispute

According to reports from Domain Name Wire, NYC-based blogging service Tumblr has finally gotten its grips on, following a dispute with UK-based domain name registrar, Nominet. The former owner, Paul Guerin, never responded, which allowed Nominet to “issue a summary decision.”

From Domain Name Wire:

With .uk disputes, unlike .com and .net, arbitration panels can issue summary decisions in the the event the domain owner does not reply to the complaint. A summary decision allows the panelist to check boxes as to whether all elements of the policy have been met.

Various groups have pushed for similar rules to be applied to such “default” cases under UDRP. There’s little information about the case because this was a summary decision.

Screen Shot 2012 05 29 at 10.03.34 AM 520x33 Tumblr wins after former owner is unresponsive to the dispute

This news fits nicely along with the efforts that Apple and Google have given this matter as of late (See also: VerizonTwitter, WikipediaVirgin and so on) to gain control of domain squatters and typo squatters.

For more, you might want to check out: Apple goes after, domains and Google refuses to give up on squatted domains that target YouTube users.

Read more : Tumblr wins after former owner is unresponsive to the dispute

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