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Top 10 Windows 8 Features #5: Live Performance and Reliability Charts

Perhaps the most visible change to the Windows 8 Desktop (the “old” half of Microsoft’s new operating system) will come from live performance graphs. Improved heuristics in the new Task Manager and all-new graphs in Windows Explorer, of all places, will tell you when “burst mode” kicks in and when your hard drive is slowing down.

In this 10-part series, 26-year veteran Windows tester Scott Fulton walks us through the best features, faculties and functions of Windows 8.

Performance, to the user, is the impression that things are moving smoothly and promptly. It’s been said that if you find yourself measuring performance, it’s because you don’t have it – although now that I think about it, a politician may said this, not an IT pro. With Windows 8, Microsoft is becoming more comfortable with giving everyday folks easier access to meaningful performance metrics – and by “meaningful,” I mean “not the Windows Experience Index.”

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