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Tim Armstrong On The Future Of Aol — And TechCrunch Too [TCTV]

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Aol’s chairman and CEO Tim Armstrong was in the house last week at TechCrunch’s Disrupt NYC conference, and while he got a good grilling on stage by my colleague Josh Constine, we still took advantage of the chance to pull him aside for a follow-up chat backstage for TechCrunch TV to ask a few more questions.

We at TechCrunch may like to poke fun at our parent company from time to time, but it’s always interesting to interview someone who is heading up a $2.5 billion public firm — and when that person is your boss’ boss’ boss, it’s an even cooler opportunity. So it was quite nice to sit down with Tim Armstrong.

Watch the video above to hear Armstrong’s thoughts on what “investing” further in TechCrunch and Aol’s other tech media properties really means, why Aol is doubling down on video, how he manages to balance out all the chatter about what Aol’s strategy should be, and more.

Read more : Tim Armstrong On The Future Of Aol — And TechCrunch Too [TCTV]

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