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The TechCrunch iPad App Is Now Live


Spring has sprung and like Persephone loosed from Hades’ bonds, our iPad app is now available to all and sundry. This app is literally years in the making and we have been back and forth and up and down regarding functionality, design, and look and feel for most of this month. I’m pleased to report, however, that it is ready to go, free, and fabulous.

The app connects our blog content with live Internet reactions as well as some amazing functionality centered around CrunchBase data. You can also just view Gadgets and Mobile content with one click and an offline mode will cache content for the road. It is retina-ready and looks pretty darn good.

An Android version is forthcoming and should be available this summer.

This is, obviously, version 1.0 and we’re planning updates over the next few months that will smooth out the interface and potentially reflect a new design direction for the site in general. Until then, sit back, relax, and start slip-sliding through the new TechCrunch iPad app.

Product Page
Click to view slideshow.

Special thanks to the whole team at AOL and thanks to you for reading.

Star Wars music homage by Will Gannon.

Read more : The TechCrunch iPad App Is Now Live

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