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The President’s Tech Gurus Want A Few Good Men And Women At TechCrunch Disrupt NYC Next Week


The President’s technology gurus, US CTO Todd Park and CIO Steven VanRoekel, will be looking for savvy innovators to work with at next week’s TechCrunch Disrupt conference in New York (tickets here). Park and VanRoekel will be announcing some new technology initiatives at their Disrupt Panel. We understand that they’ll be looking for both startup partners and individuals to work with the White House, and are eager to meet participants at Disrupt, who may be the fit that they’re looking for.

Big government data is becoming big business. For instance, the White House has been instrumental in the recent “Blue Button” initiative, to give universal access to patient health records for a select group of Americans. Health data is an industry ripe for disruption, as patients need user-friendly tools to help them turn information into actionable intelligence. The success of Blue Button led to its energy cousin, “Green Button,” and we expect more industries will continue to get the open data treatment.

Even if Park and VanRoekel haven’t already made plans, perhaps you have a better idea. So, if you have a brilliant idea for the federal government, or have dreams of working on open data at the White House itself, come by Disrupt and meet our panelists.

Image Credit: Matt H. Wade/Wikimedia

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