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The Instagram Socialmatic Camera Concept Would Bring The Photo Sharing App To Real Life


Once upon a time a company pioneered simple photo sharing. By allowing consumers to easily take and share pictures, photography became a part of everyday life.

Now, several generations removed, Polaroid is essentially an empty shell of the once iconic brand it used to be. The Instagram Socialmatic Camera is just a concept currently, but it attempts to revive the Polaroid movement with a little help from every hipster’s favorite mobile app, Instagram.

The large concept camera comes courtesy of ADR Studios, who modeled after Instagram’s logo (which itself is a play on Polaroid). Around the back of the camera is a printer capable of producing photos on sticky strips for quick and easy sharing. The camera would also feature 16GB of storage, a large 4:3-inch touchscreen, interchangeable lens, WiFi, and Bluetooth connectivity — all the goods needed for the ideal mobile Instagram machine.

The idea actually isn’t that novel. Polaroid and Olympus outed a very similar device in 2001 of course sans the touchscreen and the Instagram integration. That camera, the C-211 took pics, printed pictures and also had a pretty awful form factor.

Again, this is just a concept but as Freshness Mag points out, it would not be surprising to see something very similar hit Kickstarter in the near future with or without Instagram’s (and Facebook’s) permission.

Read more : The Instagram Socialmatic Camera Concept Would Bring The Photo Sharing App To Real Life

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