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The BlackBerry 10 Camera App Can Turn Back Time


A camera is highly important in any smartphone.

Even since before the iPhone, the ability to snap a picture on your cell phone and essentially leave your camera at home not only changed the digital camera industry for good, but it has changed the way we look at smartphones and ultimately affects our purchasing decisions.

At RIM’s BlackBerry Jam conference this morning, the company hit us with a really interesting take on smartphone camera software. We still know very little about the hardware specs coming out of RIM later this year, but a demo of the BlackBerry camera app shows that the company is thinking about ways to wow current and potential BlackBerry users.

Thorsten Heins, the new RIM CEO, demoed the app showing that all you need to do is take a picture. From there, you actually have the ability to turn back time.

A little analog-style wheel appears on top of the picture, and you can drag a pin along the wheel backwards or forwards to move through a certain amount of time. Even though you have control over when you snap the pic, the app itself is actually capturing extra frames, just in case someone’s eyes are closed or something.

Well done, RIM.

Thanks to our sister site Engadget for the image!

Read more : The BlackBerry 10 Camera App Can Turn Back Time

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