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The Art Of Expression: T-Shirts Of The Disrupt NYC 2012 Hackathon


Hackers aren’t necessarily known for their fashion sense. Most of the time, a t-shirt and jeans is as far as it goes. But there are certain circumstances in which it’s clear that hackers pay a little extra attention after rolling out of bed in the morning. The TechCrunch Disrupt Hackathon is one of those instances, but that doesn’t mean that the go-to jeans and T have been abandoned.

Even better, our hackers are choosing to express themselves through the t-shirts themselves, and I have to say that they’re some of the coolest I’ve seen. Last year in San Francisco, most of our hackers had something on their head, whether it was a baseball cap, headphones, an Ushanka, or even a shower cap.

This year, it’s all about the classic T, but with a coder’s spin.

Without further ado, these are the most badass t-shirts of the TC Disrupt NYC Hackathon:

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