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Teens In Tech Launches A Job Board For High Schoolers

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I always hear that startups are competing for young talent, especially on the tech side — but usually that means college students and recent grads. What about high schoolers?

That’s the thinking behind a new job board from Teens In Tech. Founder and CEO Daniel Brusilovsky (who was, yes, fired from his internship at TechCrunch a couple of years ago) puts it simply: “Startups are always looking for cheap talent.” So yes, there are lots of internship sites. However, they’re primarily targeting college students, not high schoolers — who are, after all, almost certainly cheaper, while still being able to accomplish some of the same basic tasks.

“The goal of Teens in Tech is to help young entrepreneurs, and a lot of those young entrepreneurs are still in high school, and they don’t get the same opportunities that college students get with internships,” Brusilovsky says.

With Teens In Tech, startups can pay $15 per listing. The job board is live already, and while there are only few listings, they come from some noteworthy startups. The positions include technical analyst and business development interns at Kiip (whose founder Brian Wong is pretty young himself) and bunch of engineering internships at Backplane.

Read more : Teens In Tech Launches A Job Board For High Schoolers

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