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TC Gadgets PSA: Nickelodeon’s Gak And Floam Are Back

If you’re thinking of a gift for mom, you probably can’t go wrong with Nickelodeon’s Gak or Floam, two toys made back in the 1990s. Gak is, as the name suggests, a sloppy sort of slime while floam is the same slime with foam balls suspended inside.

The toys cost $6.99 each and are available now.

If you’re wondering why I’m bringing this up it’s because I have kids and I think it’s important for them to play with slime. I played with a bit of Gak over the past week and found it considerably improved over the previous version. As a father, I’m wary of slimy stuff that comes out of plastic containers but the Gak didn’t stick to carpets or clothes and the Floam fell apart far less than I remember. It’s still messy, but not as messy as it once was.

Sadly, I felt no pangs of nostalgia while pulled the Gak out with a long schlupping sound. I believe my mother never let us have Gak as kids and, as such, I have little affection towards it. In fact, I never even had Hordak’s Slime Pit or any other slime playset. I feel I missed out.

Read more : TC Gadgets PSA: Nickelodeon’s Gak And Floam Are Back

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