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SV Angel’s David Lee Is In A New York State Of Mind


Editor’s Note: TechCrunch columnist Semil Shah currently works at Votizen and is based in Palo Alto. You can follow him on Twitter @semil

SV Angel founding partner David Lee joined us backstage today for an informal discussion about a range of topics. Lee recently began writing on the new blogging platform Svbtle, sharing wisdom from his vantage point as a leader of one of Silicon Valley’s most successful early-stage funds. In this talk, Lee shares his motivations for blogging more, how he uses Foursquare as a search tool, and why Skillshare is important to the NYC tech community and could be a major platform. Toward the end of the video clip, he candidly reveals the most effective ways to get in touch with him and his partners at SV Angel, encouraging founders to send links to their products. With roughly a quarter of their portfolio in the NYC area, Lee and his partners are undoubtedly bullish about all the new companies sprouting up in the Big Apple.

Read more : SV Angel’s David Lee Is In A New York State Of Mind

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