It’s been fascinating to watch the proliferation of photo apps before and since the rise of Instagram and its sale to Facebook. EyeEm has a beautiful app which makes tagging images to locations ridiculously simple (plus all that filter goodness). LoopCam makes hilarious photo loops you want to share with your friends. Now SlickFlick has appeared with an iOS app to help you create fun stories around your pictures. [download from iTunes here]
The boot-strapped startup was founded by Maria Constantinescu who has been relentless in pushing her vision for the last two years and today she lands a big-brother partner in the shape of the Getty image library.
Basically you create visual stories on the fly your iPhone and then share or embed them. Using it is a bit like creating a film storyboard. A good example is their “Zuck & Priscilla” story, made in 2 minutes, which recently went viral.
Now, the vast Getty Images will make its entire library available to users of the SlickFlick app. Users create stories with their own photos or add in images form the library, then share them on the site or on social media.
SlickFlick is based in London but developed out of Romania, and Constantinescu has been a champion of the region’s development talent.
This is an app worth checking out an playing with. My feeling is that the next stage would be to upload sound, perhaps by integrating SoundCloud.
Read more : SlickFlick App Lets You Tell Stories With Your Photos, Signs Getty Deal
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