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ShareMyPlaylists Relaunches Spotify App Based On Hand-Curated Playlists

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ShareMyPlaylists was the first site to allow the sharing of Spotify playlists (launched 2009). It’s now relaunched its music discovery Spotify app based its 91,000 hand-curated playlists. The site competes with the record label Spotify apps like Digster (from Universal Music) and Filtr (Sony Music) but its advantage is that it allows music from all labels and allows user generated content – something the labels get nervous about.

The newly designed app has been completely rebuilt based on the service that the website offers with better Spotify integration with recommended playlists, drag and drop, genre browsing, featured playlists and pop up descriptions. Part of the app is now also powered by Echonest to provide more accurate auto generated playlist suggestions.

Kieron Donoghue, CEO and founder says their library of 91,000 hand curated playlists means it has a good chance of matching a users tastes. He is currently raising a new round of financing.

The site’s main traffic comes from (in order) USA, UK, Sweden, Spain and Norway. is also available on iOS devices as an iPad and iPhone app as well as an Android app.

Read more : ShareMyPlaylists Relaunches Spotify App Based On Hand-Curated Playlists

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