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Plum Perfect Uses A Picture Of Your Face For Makeup, Clothes Recommendations

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Listen up, ladies! (And upwardly fashionable gents!)

A new service has hit the web that you’ve likely been waiting for for a long time. Gone are the days of trotting over to a store sales associate and getting help with matching makeup or clothing colors. Now all it takes is a trip to Plum Perfect and a camera to get your style on.

Here’s how it works:

Upload a picture of yourself to Plum Perfect, and wait a second while the technology scans the photo to detect your coloring. It should generate three conclusions: lip, eye, and skin color. You’ll instantly be given recommendations based on your coloring for the best eye shadows, lip sticks and glosses, and foundations/bronzers. Plum Perfect offers 16 different makeup brands, including Lancome, Laura Mercier and Shiseido.

The system is simple enough for a total tomboy to find the right colors, and the idea is to add different verticals. See, founder Asmau Ahmed used to be a chemical engineer, with experience in color quality assurance, so the science of color is kind of her thing. Makeup is just a logical category in which to use the technology she’d envisioned for so long.

Eventually, you’ll be able to upload a picture of a shirt and get hat, belt, and pant recommendations. The same will be true for home furnishings (imagine taking a picture of a couch and being given three colors to decorate the room with).

Of course, thanks to Pinterest, you’ll need an invite.

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Read more : Plum Perfect Uses A Picture Of Your Face For Makeup, Clothes Recommendations

Posted in Startups, Web.

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