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Personal data assistant Dashlane launches in the UK to speed up online shopping

checkouts 520x245 Personal data assistant Dashlane launches in the UK to speed up online shopping

Dashlane, the personal data assistant has launched in the UK to help make online purchases more efficient. The application is designed to give consumers a speedy way to checkout by using only one password.

Beware impulsive shoppers, getting your purchases may have become almost too easy. Dashlane says it saves consumers about an hour each week as they transact and navigate online. The service skips login screens and fills in sign-up forms automatically, working around those tiresome and repetitive information requirements for buying things online.

The click-to-pay technology even works with sites that users have not visited before and all purchases are recorded and filed. The filing is pretty handy if you cannot remember when or why you decided to take delivery of an inexplicably useless item. We recommend that users don’t get this going when they’re ‘under the influence’ to avoid impulse purchase regret.

dashlanescreen Personal data assistant Dashlane launches in the UK to speed up online shopping

During its private beta period, Dashlane customers successfully used the product on more than 40,000 different websites, spending the equivalent of more than £1.2 million ($1.9m).  The company plans to open up to many more e-commerce sites, based on user demand.

To enhance the application further, the company is continually adding new details and has implemented a number of new features in the last week, including points and badges, profile completion and a login API.

The API allows any website to take advantage of the data Dashlane users have stored in the app while allowing the user to keep control of the data that is being shared over the one-click registration process.

Earn points for features

Dashlane’s new ‘points and badges’ feature encourages users to engage on the platform and refer new members. By referring a friend, users will be able to earn 25,000 points, allowing them to unlock premium features of the product. Other actions within the platform, such as completion of their profile, will also earn the user points.

“The Web has become too complicated. We have more and more accounts on more and more services, we shop online more and more frequently, and we now want to do all of that from PCs, Macs, but also mobile devices that do not have keyboards,” said Emmanuel Schalit, CEO, Dashlane. “We generally put up with incredible inconveniences online that we would never accept in real life. Dashlane aims to take the pain out of online shopping for consumer’s online activities, giving them back time to enjoy however they’d like.”

Crypto for commerce

Dashlane values user privacy and features architecture which prevents anyone, including Dashlane, from accessing users’ personal information.

Consumers are the only ones able to access their account and all personal data is encrypted locally on user devices even if they enable synchronisation with other computers or devices. The app provides a secure digital memory that stores addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers and other valuable information, and then uses that data wherever necessary.

Check out the video to see more on how Dashlane works…and maybe hide your credit cards from yourself.

Read more : Personal data assistant Dashlane launches in the UK to speed up online shopping

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