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Nip That Social Media Crisis In The Bud With uberVU Signals

uberVU Signals 1

uberVU already offers a dashboard for monitoring social media conversations about your company, but CEO  Mark Pascarella and founder/Chief Product Officer Vladimir Oane says it’s time to help brands find the crucial signals in the social media noise. So they’re launching a new feature today called, predictably, uberVU Signals.

Nowadays, whenever I meet with a social media monitoring company, they want to talk about the need to move the technology beyond the flood of data. Pascarella says that for uberVU, that means taking “a really sophisticated set of algorithms at the intersection of big data and artificial intelligence” and using those algorithms to find the social media updates that could are important in different topic areas (say a product, technology, or company), based on things like influence, sentiment, volume, and demographics.

“No one has asked for more data,” Oane says. “What they’re asking for is a solution that gives them critical business information.”

They might be positive (say a news story that could lead to good publicity or sales for your company) or negative (some complaints on Reddit that could turn into a full-blown fiasco if not dealt with quickly and properly). Either way, they’re important to you, but might otherwise get lost in a long list of tweets and other updates. You can get alerts in uberVU and via email, and you can also turn those updates into tasks for different team members.

uberVU is making Signals available as part of its existing social media dashboard, a product whose customers include PayPal.

Read more : Nip That Social Media Crisis In The Bud With uberVU Signals

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