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Mayor Bloomberg Unveils The Made In NY Digital Jobs Map For Silicon Alley Startups

Screen Shot 2012-05-15 at 12.00.30 PM

Today Mayor Bloomberg rolled out the Made in NY Digital Map, an easy way to find New York City’s tech startups and job opportunities. The interactive map keeps startups, investors, developers and designers in the know about what’s going on in Silicon Alley.

From the Made in New York Map site: “The Made in NY Digital Map is a visual testament to the vibrant state of New York’s digital industry – showing a powerful constellation of over 500 homegrown startups, investors and coworking spaces across the five boroughs. Browse by neighborhood, review job postings, or add your own startup to the digital landscape – the Made in NY Map is a living resource that reflects New York City’s dynamic innovation ecosystem.”

According to the site there are currently 324 NYC tech companies looking to hire. Every startup, investor and shared workspace in all five boroughs is mapped out with links to each respective company and job board. This is yet another feather in Bloomberg’s cap in an effort to push New York as the next tech hub.

Read more : Mayor Bloomberg Unveils The Made In NY Digital Jobs Map For Silicon Alley Startups

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