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LayerNation’s El Tirador Makes Classy Layered Drinks With Science


Ask and ye shall receive: when I put a call out for cool hardware start-ups, little did I know that we’d be barraged by some amazing stuff. Case-in-point: the LayerNation El Tirador, a unique drinks maker that automatically creates layered drinks using different liqueurs.

LayerNation is part of the Yes Delft! incubator and is currently being tested in Europe as a fast and easy way to make clever drinks for soccer games and special events. The initial version, shown above, has been replaced by a more commercial-friendly system that looks like it would be at home in an Ibiza club.

Systems like this – systems that solve a very simple and unique problem quite elegantly – are the core of hardware hacking. Besides, what geek doesn’t like to drink lots of sugary, syrupy red and white “Polish flag” shots?

Read more : LayerNation’s El Tirador Makes Classy Layered Drinks With Science

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