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Kickstarter: Turn Your iPad Into An Etch-A-Sketch


Looking to relive your childhood or turn your iPad into a hackneyed political pun? You’d best get over to Ari Krupnik’s Kickstarter project. For $60 you get a red or blue case that simulates the actual Etch-A-Sketch knobs, allowing you to perform all of the deft maneuvers to which you’re accustomed. Stair steps? Easy. Long curve? Go for it. Horrible script writing? Bingo.

The product is completely licensed by Ohio Art and the company is trilled with the attention and the high-tech upgrade to their flagship product. They may even manufacture the device in Ohio Arts’ factories.

We are negotiating with a number of contract manufacturers. The most intriguing option is Ohio Art’s invitation for us to use the same factory that manufactures the classic Etch A Sketch. Although it is more expensive than some the other options, we like the fact that they already know and understand Etch A Sketch. For instance, they know exactly what color red to use for the plastic–they simply use the same plastic they use in production!

The case will include a free iPad app that will help you simulate all of your childhood memories in full Retina detail. The project is at $6,000 of a $75,000 goal, so get pledging.

Project Page

Read more : Kickstarter: Turn Your iPad Into An Etch-A-Sketch

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