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Incident’s gTar Tops $120,000 On Kickstarter (That’s $110K In Less Than 24 Hours)


Kickstarter is a great place to launch a product. Remember the Pebble smart watch, which saw over $1 million in funding in its first 28 hours on the site, and surpassing $3 million well over a month before their stated goal?

Disrupt, which just so happens to be underway as I type these very words, is also an excellent place to launch your product. We’ve seen countless companies rise to almost instantaneous success after stepping off of our stage, like Soluto,, Redbeacon, and GroupMe.

So it should be no surprise that Incident’s now-famous gTar, which was launched both on the Disrupt Battlefield stage and on Kickstarter, has made upwards of $120,000 on Kickstarter since launching on our stage yesterday. Idon Beck, Josh Stansfield, and Franco Cedano had only tallied $10,000 before their impressive Disrupt debut.

Of course, Disrupt can’t take all the credit. TechCrunch’s sister site Engadget went hands-on with the gTar around 3:30pm yesterday, which could have only pushed more traffic to their company’s Kickstarter page. I actually went hands-on myself and, as a huge Guitar Hero fan, I can safely say that the gTar takes amateur wanna-be guitar-playing to an entirely new level.

I felt like I could actually, eventually of course, learn to play guitar for real, and that I wouldn’t want to slam my head into a table trying. Progress.

The estimated retail price for the gTar will be $450, but investors who back the product on Kickstarter will be able to get their own gTar for a discounted $350.

Read more : Incident’s gTar Tops $120,000 On Kickstarter (That’s $110K In Less Than 24 Hours)

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