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How High Will Facebook Stock Go Tomorrow? Place Your Bet At

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There are a few lessons you could take away from the fact that exists right now:

  1.  Ask and ye shall receive, especially if you’re Chris Sacca.
  2. The Hacker Way goes way beyond Facebook headquarters.
  3. Facebook IPO fever is definitely in full swing and we should all just give in to it.

Here’s the story: Angel investor and all-around web magnate Chris Sacca wrote a quick tweet early yesterday about how it’d be cool if there was a website where people could predict where Facebook’s stock will end up at the end of its first day as a publicly traded company. Horse races in general are always fun to watch, after all, and it’s definitely a conversation that’s happening around many a watercooler now that Facebook’s IPO is officially on for tomorrow morning.

So a programmer named James Proud answered the call, hacking together, a fun little website that keeps a running tally of people’s bets on where Facebook’s stock will close on IPO day.

The site, which went live yesterday afternoon, says it was “quickly knocked together with Python, Tornado, Postgres, Redis, Heroku, no sleep and Bootstrap.” It’s pretty simple: Anyone with a Twitter account can sign in and place his or her bet on what price Facebook’s stock will be at market close tomorrow afternoon.

Some big names in the web have weighed in on the site already: Chris Sacca thinks it will close at $56, while Chris Dixon predicts a slightly more modest $50.

And what’s the general consensus at the moment? As of press time (or clicking publish on WordPress time) the site says that 475 people have predicted an average closing share price of $54, which values the company at more than $135 billion. That’s a 42 percent boost over the $38 share price of its IPO — not too shabby. Anyway, if you’re so inclined go on over and place a bet of your own. At this point there’s no fighting the Facebook IPO fever — and if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.

Read more : How High Will Facebook Stock Go Tomorrow? Place Your Bet At

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