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Google Play Store Gets Fleshed Out With Galaxy Nexus Accessories


When Google launched the new Devices section of their Google Play Store, it only seemed like a matter of time before the company would eventually expand beyond selling just the unlocked Galaxy Nexus. After all, it’s called the Devices section for a reason.

While rumors of forthcoming Nexus tablets dance in our heads, Google has recently started carrying some new gear in the Play Store, though they’re decidedly not new or flashy. Users can now pick up Samsung vehicle and desktop docks to prop up their Galaxy Nexuses when needed, but here’s the thing — not all of you will be able to use them.

You see, the accessories listed work just fine with the GSM version of the Galaxy Nexus, but you’re fresh out of luck if you’ve opted for one of the LTE-capable versions. Chalk it up to a very minor difference between the two versions’ waistlines, as the Verizon and Sprint variants are juuuust thick enough to render them incompatible.

Yeah, they aren’t exactly the additions I was hoping for either. Still, it’s a pretty clear sign that Google is more serious about their hardware offerings. If Google really is set on offering a score of new gadgets through their own web store, they can’t let those customers mosey on over to other retailers when it comes time for them to shell out extra money for related goodies, especially when accessories are where retailers often make up for money lost of device sales. I imagine that Google’s testing the waters a bit with this new turn — if they can entice users into buying other, supplementary knick-knacks from them instead of turning to mainstays like Amazon, you can bet they’ll do the same with any other devices they happen to start selling down the line.

Read more : Google Play Store Gets Fleshed Out With Galaxy Nexus Accessories

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