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For TechStars Startups, Life Beyond the Pitch

As a startup, “if you cannot nail a presentation, you’re done.” That is what Katie Rae, managing director of TechStars Boston, said after the accelerator’s Demo Day yesterday. 13 TechStars companies went on stage to pitch their products to investors, and every single pitch passed with flying colors.

Getting the pitch right is one of the most important parts of a startup’s life cycle. It is vital to nail the Demo Day pitch, of course, but learning how to give a thoughtful, dynamic presentation is a skill that pays benefits far beyond the stage.

The pitches at Demo Day Boston were as varied as the companies presenting them. Timothy Ericson, the CEO of Zagster, the “Zipcar for bikes,” rode out on stage on a branded bicycle. K Young, CEO of Mortar, a company working to “fix” Hadoop, stood in solemn profile describing how his company is going to create tools to make big data usable to any company. The pitch for Libboo, a book publishing and promotion platform, started with a stirring poem from slam poet Marshall “Soulful” Jones before CEO Chris Howard gave an impassioned speech about the problems his company is trying to solve.

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