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Facebook Releases IPO Prospectus and Roadshow Video Featuring Interviews With Zuckerberg

Facebook Roadshow Video

Facebook has just released the promotional video for its pre-IPO roadshow as well its prospectus for investors (embedded below). The 30-minute video is split into five parts covering Facebook’s mission, products and platform, advertising, finance, and its future. After clicking through several SEC disclaimers, you can check it out for yourself. Unfortunately it looks like the video is designed not to be embedded.

We’ll be giving our analysis of the video as we watch in true sportscaster style as we watch over the next few minutes, and you can check out the prospectus below.

The prospectus include essentially the same information as Facebook’s S-1 filing to IPO, but with more polished formatting.

Facebook IPO Roadshow Play-By-Play

First we’ve got a brief intro from Facebook’s CFO, and already the video begins to lose the favor of this commentator, as it frustratingly does not allow fast-forwarding or rewinding:.

Then Mark Zuckerberg slides in(to) second.

“I grew up with the internet. You know in middle school I used search engines like Google and Yahoo and I just thought they were the most amazing thing. This complete symbol of the age we live in, where now you have access to all of this information. The thing that seemed like it was missing was always just people, right. So, the most interesting stuff that you care about the most is actually whats going on in the lives of your friends, or the people around you. And, um, there wasn’t really any way for that to be on the web. People had to share that themselves. That wasn’t just out there ready to be indexed.

Even from very early on when we were just building this thing for one school, there was this concept of what it could turn into. We just weren’t sure then we were the ones to do it.”

VP of Product Chris Cox is next up to bat, discussing how when Facebook started, you only had one photo. Your profile photo. But people were changing it a lot. Facebook realized it should let users upload whole albums — the feature that would cause Facebook’s popularity to boom.

After a few words about the social graph and The Hacker Way, Zuckerberg and Cox tag-team the Products segment. First they take a swing at Timeline, which Zuckerberg calls “the story of your life on a single page”. Next is your personal, always-up-to-date news feed.

Looking to keep morale high as they enter the second quarter of the video, Cox announces “We’re now changing within a generation the fabric of how humanity communicates with itself.” Then he follows it up with a flurry of stats, though the video shows its age as some are already outdated.

Hoping to gain favor with the roaring crowds of developers, Zuckerberg claims that as much traffic as Facebook gets, the company thinks what other people can build on top of it will be even more important. Long-time teammate The New York Times and new draft pick Spotify are commended for their contributions to the platform.

Cox then brings in Facebook’s new bruiser, the powerful but controversial frictionless sharing. This commentator applauds him for his traffic driving abilities and sees his style as the future, but others say auto-publishing in-app activities is fighting dirty.

Just before half-time, COO Sheryl Sandberg takes the field defend Facebook’s business model.

Read more : Facebook Releases IPO Prospectus and Roadshow Video Featuring Interviews With Zuckerberg

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