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Facebook Acquires Glancee (Team, Tech, and All), But Shuts Down The Passive Location App

Screen shot 2012-05-04 at 6.23.12 PM

Facebook has just closed a deal to acquire the company Glancee for an undisclosed sum, but has already shut down the developer’s passive location app. All three co-founders, Glancee’s only full-time employees, will join Facebook, which now owns its technology.

Facebook said in a statement “We are thrilled to confirm that Facebook has acquired Glancee. The acquisition closed today. We can’t wait for co-founders Andrea, Alberto and Gabriel to join the Facebook team to work on products that help people discover new places and share them with friends.”

Read more : Facebook Acquires Glancee (Team, Tech, and All), But Shuts Down The Passive Location App

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