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BetaTeamup: BetaBait Acquires BetaNoodle


The names, at least, sound like a match made in heaven — BetaBait says it has acquired BetaNoodle.

And actually, the products sound like a good fit, too. BetaBait connects startups with early users through its website and email newsletter. BetaNoodle hasn’t launched yet, but it’s supposed to be an app doing something similar, but for Android developers and users.

The financial terms were not disclosed, but it sounds like BetaNoodle was a one-man shop — the man in question being founder Austin Westfall. BetaBait co-founder Cody Barbierri (who I used to work with at VentureBeat) says Westfall will be joining his team, and that his company will be launching the BetaNoodle app in the next few months as a natural way to expand into mobile. It will include both pre-launch apps that need testing and other, already available Android apps in the BetaBait system, he says — “the best of both worlds.”

Barbierri also plans to do something similar for iOS, but he says it made sense to start with Android, where there are fewer mobile testing apps, compared to the big iOS names like TestFlight.

Read more : BetaTeamup: BetaBait Acquires BetaNoodle

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