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AT&T Reveals The $49 Samsung Focus 2, Their Cheapest LTE Windows Phone Yet


Well, this morning seems like it’s going to be all about sequels. Not only do we have a shiny new Droid Incredible to wait for, AT&T has just pulled back the curtains on a new device in their Focus series of Windows Phones — the LTE-friendly Focus 2, which will launch on May 20 for a mere $49.99 with a two-year contract.

The Focus 2 may lack the star power and the marketing muscle behind devices like the Lumia 900, but it has managed to turn a few heads in recent weeks back when it was still known as the Samsung Mandel.

Neither AT&T nor Samsung have disclosed some of the juicier technical details, but the Focus 2 sports a 4-inch Super AMOLED display presumably running at the standard 800

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