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A Dreamy Look At A Would-Be Nokia Lumia 850


This Nokia Lumia 850 is not real. It’s just a concept. But I would be proud to carry that phone in my pocket if it was real.

The concept comes by way of The Nokia Blog, a fan site that found the concept made by Luxembourgish designer, BrianMFB. The 850, that once again is just a mockup, shows a slimmed down Lumia 800 that still regains a lot of the original character. The backside has tappered edges and flush mounted side buttons. The screen is a modest 3.8-inch as a 950 would likely have a larger screen.

Nokia hit the 800 and 900 out of the park. Even Siri points out that the 900 is current the best cell phone on the market. Nokia will need an equally impressive showing to succeed the current lineup. However, if Nokia is smart, and yesterday’s rap video speaks against that thought, the company would let the current generation sit on the market for awhile. The 800/900 are amazing phones and do not need replacing anytime soon. Nokia’s money would be better spent in stronger marketing and bringing the phone to other carriers like Verizon.

Read more : A Dreamy Look At A Would-Be Nokia Lumia 850

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