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The Real "Mobile First" Companies

Mobile first. It is a stratgey that many companies strive toward but only a handful fully realize. Big names like Facebook, Amazon, Mozilla and Microsoft delve into the mobile pool but still provide fundamentally desktop and browser-based offerings. Google components, even with its Android operating system, are still primarily Web-centric. When it comes to true “mobile first,” there are only a handful of companies that have taken the plunge.

The Top Tier of Mobile First

Think of an app or a service and how you interact with it. Do you use it primarily with your smartphone and/or tablet, or is it something you use with your PC? Chances are, you still do most of your Google searches, Facebook posts, Amazon purchases and Windows (including Bing) activities on your computer. These tasks come from browser-based companies, all of which even make their own browsers (except for Facebook, and Amazon’s browser is its Kindle Fire-based Silk).

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