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Skype Launches Ridiculous New Facebook App, “Humoticons”


Skype introduced a new Facebook app this morning, and before you get your hopes up, it’s not some amazing new way to Skype from the browser plug-in free, or kick off multi-person video chat sessions right from the News Feed. Nope. The app is this goofy, ridiculous creation called “Skype Humoticons” which lets you use your webcam to post pictures of you mimicking Skype emoticons to Facebook. Uh-huh.

Ugh, it’s like they taught the marketing department how to code over there. The app loads up in a big Flash interface over on Facebook, requires that you connect to Facebook via Skype using your desktop software, and then lets you pick either a photo or video to create your “Humoticon.” If you use an existing photo of yourself for you Humoticon, the app basically draws a big, blue circle around your face and then lets you post that photo to your Facebook wall. Why? I have no idea.

Obviously, to actually do anything interesting with the app, you’ll need to use your webcam to make a more animated version. Skype suggests that you snap up to five pictures to make the animated version…because a short video clip would be too hard? Not as funny? Again, no clue.

In addition to posting the “Humoticon” to your Facebook Wall, you can also download  the photo or copy its URL to post in an instant messaging session. And there’s a gallery where you can see those Humoticons made by friends and others, matched up to the emoticon they were mimicking.

Yep, it’s kind of silly and stupid. Hey, that might just make it a great Facebook app after all!

Read more : Skype Launches Ridiculous New Facebook App, “Humoticons”

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