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Seeing Is Believing: This Nokia Ad Was Filmed Entirely With The 808 PureView Supercamera Phone

As this new ad clearly demonstrates the 41MP Nokia 808 Pureview is an amazing piece of mobile photography technology. It was filmed with just the 808 Pureview and it looks great. Nokia has a winner in the 808 PureView. Too bad it’s a Symbian device.

41MP in a handset? Yessir. As Devin previously explained, it should not be dismissed as a gimmick. This is a real advancement in sensor and processing technology. The only real downside are that it’s built around Nokia’s Symbian Belle OS and it’s not coming to the States anytime soon.

Nokia reportedly worked on the sensor technology for 5 years. Sure, the 808 is a tad bulky by today’s smartphone standard but the stellar camera should by enough compensation for its target niche.

Read more : Seeing Is Believing: This Nokia Ad Was Filmed Entirely With The 808 PureView Supercamera Phone

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