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Read/Write Daily: The New Space Race

Today’s theme is the new space race. Humankind is approaching a crossroads in space exploration. The U.S. government is pulling back, but other governments have stepped their game up.

And lately, the private tech industry has shown some ambition, as well.

There are more dramatic photos today of a space shuttle being ferried to its final resting place.

NASA is pulling back from other projects, too, including the European Space Agency’s solar orbiter program.

But private companies like SpaceX and Planetary Resources have made detailed, believable plans for space flight.

Yesterday, Wired interviewed SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk to discuss those plans.

There are so many mysteries left out there! Scientists have begun to wonder whether Jupiter has a solid core.

And the HiRISE spacecraft has photographed some beautiful, snail-shell shaped lava flows on Mars.

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