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Reading RSS Feeds From Multiple Feeds Using Zend Feed

Over on, there is a new post titled “Reading RSS Feeds From Multiple Feeds Using Zend Feed”. In it, the author talks about the benefits of using Zend_Feed to read different types of RSS feeds.

Using one method to read from multiple RSS feeds by using one standard coding method may cause problems. This is because there are different types of feeds. One could be an atom feed and the other an RSS feed, and each has a slightly different XML structure. Using a standard class like Zend_Feed overcomes this problem by detecting the type of feed and returning a standard object.

The quote above represents about 90% of the non-code portion of the blog post. Obviously it is much longer on the HOW than the WHY. It is a short read but if you’ve never looked into Zend_Feed, a good introduction.

Hey, looking for some place to quickly try out that code? @ me on twitter (@calevans) and I’ll give you an invite to A few clicks of the mouse and you have an entire Zend Framework development area waiting for you to create something awesome in.

Read more : Reading RSS Feeds From Multiple Feeds Using Zend Feed

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