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Live Blog: Apple’s Q2 Earnings Call

Apple - Apple Financial Results - Q2 2012

Apple just released its FY2012 Q2 earnings and will host its earnings call at 2pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern today. We will live blog this call for you below, but you can also listen in to the call here (QuickTime required).

As a reminder, here are some of the highlights from Apple’s numbers:

  • quarterly revenue: $39.2 billion
  • net profit: $6 billion
  • iPhone sold: 35.1 million
  • iPads sold: 11.8 million (up 151% from a year ago)
  • Mac sold: 4 million (up 7% from last year)
  • iPods sold: 7.7 million (down 15% from a year ago)

Live Blog

Read more : Live Blog: Apple’s Q2 Earnings Call

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