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Google Actually Sells a Service: Sketchup is Going to Trimble

Google announced Thursday that it was selling 3D modelling tool SketchUp — an unusual event for the tech giant known for aqcuiring companies more than for selling them.

Trimble Navigation is purchasing the platform for an undisclosed amount of money.

Google acquired SketchUp in 2006 and has used the tool to design building models within Google Earth.

“In its time at Google, SketchUp has become one of the most popular 3D modeling tools in the world,” SketchUp wrote on its official Google blog. “With over 30 million SketchUp activations in just the last year, we’re awfully proud of our accomplishments. But there’s still so much we want to do, and we think we’ve found a way forward that will benefit everyone—our product, our team and especially our millions of users.”

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Trimble, the new parent of SketchUp, makes surveying, mapping and marine navigation equipment. SketchUp says Trimble’s commitment will help the platform return to its core communities — both veteran and new modelers, designers and makers — which it calls its heart and soul.

SketchUp says it will keep the free version of the platform, which is used by a wider audience.

Do you think SketchUp will be better served by Trimble, a more niche parent company than Google? Sound off in the comments.

BONUS: 12 Mysterious Google Maps Sightings

1. The Badlands Guardian

This natural formation in Alberta, Canada is known as the Badlands Guardian and looks strikingly similar to a native American wearing a headdress. If you look close enough, it looks like he’s wearing a pair of earphones, but that section is actually a man-made road and oil well.

Click here to view this gallery.

More About: Google, Sketchup

Read more : Google Actually Sells a Service: Sketchup is Going to Trimble

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