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Facebook’s Amended S-1: 901 Million Users, 500M Mobile, Paid $300M Cash + 23M Shares For Instagram

Screen shot 2012-04-23 at 12.15.45 PM

Facebook has just filed an amendment to its S-1 to IPO that notes that it now has 500 million mobile users, 901 million monthly active users, and that it paid 23 million shares at $30.89 a share plus $300 million cash for Instagram for a total of $1,010,470,000. Facebook also made $1.058 billion in revenue in the first quarter of 2012, up 44.7% from Q1 2012 but down 6.5% from Q4 2011.

Read on for more on the performance of Facebook’s ad business, and to see our embed of the full amended S-1.

Advertising made up $872 million of Facebook’s Q1 2012 revenue, while payments and other fees accounted for $186 million. Those numbers are down from the $1.131 billion in total revenue, $943 million in advertising, and $188 million in payments from the holiday quarter of Q4 2011. However, they’re still way up from the $637 million in ads, $94 million in payments, and total of $731 million total revenue it made in Q1 2011.

Despite Mark Zuckerberg noting about the Instagram acquisition that “We don’t plan on doing many more of these, if any at all”, the amended S-1 notes that a lack of similar companies to acquire could actually be a risk: “Our ability to acquire and integrate larger or more complex companies, products, or technologies in a successful manner is unproven. In the future, we may not be able to find other suitable acquisition candidates, and we may not be able to complete acquisitions on favorable terms, if at all.”

Other information Facebook now lists include that it will IPO on the NASDAQ, collects 300 million photo uploads a day, hosts 125 billion total friendships, and sees 3.2 billion likes and comments per day. It’s mobile interfaces gained 12 million monthly active users just since March when Facebook listed 488 million monthly users of its mobile products, and now has over 500 million.

Facebook’s momentum wasn’t enough to push revenues above the especially high holiday quarter when brands make huge ad buys and users are flush with money and gift cards to spend on virtual goods. Still, the 44% year on year growth for Q1 2012 should assure investors that the social network’s not done growing its business even as it starts to runs out of users to sign up that are of age and don’t live in countries like China where Facebook is banned.. With 901 million users and 7.009 billion Earthlings, now one in 7.7 people in the world have a Facebook account.

Here’s the full amended S-1 from April 23, 2012:

Read more : Facebook’s Amended S-1: 901 Million Users, 500M Mobile, Paid $300M Cash + 23M Shares For Instagram

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