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Chocomize Now Shipping To The UK, Potentially My Belly

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We first wrote about Chocomize not realizing the importance of disruption in the bespoke chocolate space. After trying a sample of their produce today at the New York Tech Day, however, I’ve decided that this is probably the best start up in the whole world, barring that one that lets you connect with friends and family and share photos and stuff. And also that other one with the birds. That one is pretty good.

But who the heck doesn’t like chocolate? The service allows you to build a bar of chocolate and include various additional toppings including but not limited to M&Ms, hot pepper, pretzels, small bits of metal*, crushed peppermint, and marshmallows. Shipping is $4.95 flat rate no matter how many bars you order and the company is now shipping to the UK for a $9.50 flat fee.

Bars range in price depending on the toppings included and the price of scrap metal*.

The site has been around since 2009 and is popular with the wedding and party set as they allow you to create custom bars for wedding guests. Founded by Columbia grads Fabian Kaempfer, Nick LaCava, and Eric Heinbockel, the service has really taken off since launch and the founders still have a hand in chocolate manufacture. It is, in short, a true artisanal start-up.

Product Page

*Not really, but I know some people who deserve some scrap metal chocolate.

Read more : Chocomize Now Shipping To The UK, Potentially My Belly

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