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25 ‘Green’ Photos From the Mashable Community

Sunday, April 22 marked the 42nd annual Earth Day, and more than 500 million people in 175 countries took the time to focus on the environment. In the spirit of Earth Day, we asked you to send us a photo that represented the idea of green for this week’s Mashable Photo Challenge.

SEE ALSO: What if Environmentalism Were as Big as Social Media? [INFOGRAPHIC]

For the past week, the Mashable community team has been checking out the photos you sent to us. We appreciate every entry and have selected 25 of our favorites to feature in the gallery below, as well as on our Facebook page. Some of our readers sent us photos of actual greenery, while others captured a photo expressing what it means to “go green.”

Be sure to stay tuned to Mashable to be a part of next week’s photo challenge: lunch break.


“Green Grass, Blue Sky, In this Beautiful World!”

Click here to view this gallery.

More About: community, Mashable Photo Challenge, photography

For more Social Media coverage:

Read more : 25 ‘Green’ Photos From the Mashable Community

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