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Where Does Your Malware Come From? [Infographic]

Blue_Coat_150x150.jpgWhere does your malware come from? How does it get to your computer? It is not like there is some magical, malicious stork that comes and drops off some demented baby into your operating system that makes it join a botnet at knife point. There is no stork, there is no baby.

Blue Coat security released an infographic this morning that makes it easy to understand how your computer is becoming infected with malware and what botnets are delivering it. For instance, did you know that “image search is the most dangerous activity users can engage in on the web”? Or that Shnakule is the biggest malware network out there currently with an average of 2,001 unique hosts a day? Hit the jump for the full infographic.


In terms of attack vectors, search engine poisoning is by far the most predominant form of malware delivery on the Web. Email is the next biggest at 6.9%, with porn and social networking close behind at 6.7% and 5.2% respectively.

Expect that to change in coming years as social networking spam becomes more prevalent. At the same time, do not think that porn malware is going anywhere. Porn is huge on the web, a rabbit hole that is only getting deeper.

Check out the infographic for full details.



Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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