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What Every SMB Needs to Know to Get Started With Video

Alfred Poor has written a very lively and informative little book with a lousy title. Called Power Marketing for Small Business, it is chock full of tips and suggestions on how anyone can get started with marketing their small business by using online videos. This is a more big-picture kind of effort, but the steps are so clearly laid out that anyone can leverage Poor’s experience and get started.

Poor runs his own freelance consulting practice: for 20 years he was wrote articles for PC Magazine and many other tech pubs and now runs, a resource site for buying and learning more about HDTV.


Poor explains why any business can leverage video and why the Yellow Pages is obsolete. Video can help drive traffic, find customers, generate leads, and boost sales by deepening a relationship with customers and getting them more engaged. And while you can certainly spend millions on fancy videos, Poor shows you how you can cut costs to something any business can afford, and without requiring learning a lot of new skills, either. And the book can easily be read through in an hour or so.

Online video is the secret weapon that can be used to boost your SEO position and get additional traffic to your Web storefront. The core of his book is around the PEACH principle, for Position, Educate, Attach, Compete, and Help. Every video should focus on one of these elements to be most effective.

You can get more information and purchase the book online here for $15


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