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Personyze Aims to Personalize Content Management

personyze150.jpgEvery time I look at the visitor statistics for my blog, I’m amazed at the plethora of ways that people consume the content I create. Apart from the people who merely read my posts within a third part feed reader, I have site visitors that are viewing on mobile devices of varying formats, users coming from different locations and a host of different variables.


Ben Kepes is author of, a blog that focuses on SaaS, cloud-computing and Web 2.0 for the real world.

Until now the only real way to differentiate the service offered to these different visitors was to use a plugin that offers a mobile specific UI for mobile visitors. While this was an effective approach in the past, it is becoming less so as the variations of visitor type broaden.

Personyze aims to provide some rich solutions for this problem. They’re teaming up with Joomla and WordPress to offer dramatic personalization options to site owners – in the aim of increasing conversions rates through a more highly user specific experience. Personyze is a cloud based platform that includes a number of different tools to segment and personalize the visiting experience – it offers several personalization metrics including;

  • Device type – Mobile, Tablet, PC, Mac
  • Geography Continent, Country, State, City
  • System Information OS, OS language, Browser, Browser language, existence of media plugins, screen resolution
  • Referring source – domain, keyword used in search, organic or commercial traffic, affiliate… (Personyze is also tightly integrated with AdWords, DoubleClick, Google retargeting and more)
  • Social Information – via Facebook connect – when opted in, visitor’s social information (that the visitor agreed to share with the website) is available for segmentation – Name, Gender, Age, Location, Marital status, Number of Friends etc
  • Time of day, time since last visit
  • Demographic Information from 3rd party 
  • Visitor behavior in the site during current or past sessions – articles the visitor read, how much time spent on the site, number of visits, clicks, key-presses etc

Examples shown on their website include removing irrelevant ad banners and replacing them with ads based on a user’s location and previous purchases, displaying a customized welcome message, and changing the help dialogue box based on seeing previous visits.

Because Personyze is directly integrated with WordPress and Joomla, all contents, posts and themes become available within the Personyze interface for segmentation – meaning users can utilize Personyze as an almost infinitely flexible site analytics tool. Personyze is also integrated with email campaign managements tools MailChimp and ConstantContact meaning that highly specific email campaigns can be run using the Personyze segmentation.

Personyze strikes me as having two distinct value offerings – it looks like an incredibly valuable tool for anyone using WordPress or Joomla as a content management tool for lead generation, while it is also useful for sites without a lead-gen requirement but who want to offer highly personalized experiences for different classes of viewers. Both of these use cases have obvious merit and, importantly for Personyze’s business model, obvious avenues for monetization.


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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