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Microsoft Ditching the Term "Native HTML5"

HTML5 logo Microsoft is already ditching is much criticized “native HTML5” term. “I don’t know that you’ll see us refer to native HTML in the future,” the company’s new Internet Explorer Evangelist Ari Bixhorn told The Register today.

Other than a change in terminology, nothing else is changing. And Microsoft is sticking to its guns regarding WebGL, so I still fear that fragmentation will continue.


Bixhorn also told The Register:

“The way I think about it is: HTML5 is HTML5. You implement the standard to the letter and then in addition to that, there are ways to differentiate the broader web browsing experience,” Bixhorn said. “If you look at our hardware acceleration implementation and you compare it to other browser makers, we’re all doing the HTML5 spec, but we’re able to differentiate the experience in IE. With site pinning, it’s outside of the bounds of HTML, but we’re creating a better experience there too.”

Let’s just hope this “differentiation” doesn’t sabotage cross-compatibility.

Also, earlier this week Microsoft regional director Stephen Forte speculated (in an unofficial capacity) that Microsoft will make its XAML standard the backbone of its development efforts. “If HTML5 gets fragmented, as it surely will, I can one day even see a native, hardware accelerated runtime of XAML being released for the Mac (there already sort of is one), Android, iOS, and maybe even Linux sometime in the future,” Forte wrote.

Hat tip to Mary Jo Foley for the Forte link.


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