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LogMeIn Announces New iOS Access Controls

logmeinlogo150.jpgAdd LogMeIn to the growing number of mobile access control products out there (Rover, MobilEcho, and Accellion, just to name a few of the ones we have covered recently.) The new service, which will be entering beta shortly, will pair access to particular apps and files initially on iOS devices to better manage these devices for enterprise use.

Eventually, LogMeIn plans on offering desktop and Android support as well.


The controls are delivered through the company’s Central management tools and take advantage of LogMeIn Ignition’s remote access features. Organizations can grant or revoke access to particular computers, authorize specific mobile devices for particular apps, and block users from a device. Everything is cloud based and scalable.

Specific features include:

  • Enroll individually owned or IT procured iOS devices into an
    organization’s mobile inventory

  • Authorize individual iOS devices for remote access to one or more
    company computers, including access to corporate applications and files

  • Manage remote access rights and permissions by user, computer, and
    mobile device

  • Control whether files can be remotely transferred from remote
    computers to individual mobile devices

  • Handle lost or stolen devices by remotely wiping stored credentials

You can register and receive a beta invite here.


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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