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How to Aggregate Your Facebook and LinkedIn Contacts

ox150.jpgOpen-Xchange began its life as a hosted email service but has since evolved with a twist: its engineers have figured out a relatively simple process to extract your contacts from Facebook and LinkedIn. It is based on the SaaS pay hosted service, but there is a free service you can use for your contact extraction.

So if you are trying to migrate a bunch of your contacts into Google+, or move from Facebook to someplace else, you might have found that this isn’t an easy process.


There are a few products that can do this now, including, and Plaxo’s Pulse. But these only create yet another proprietary Web service that you are locked into using, and can’t easily extract your data if you don’t want to use the service any longer.

Here are the step-by-step directions how to do the export and bring them into your free OX.IO account. You can see the broad range of accounts that it will handle from the screenshot below.

ox contacts.jpg

Read the instructions carefully and realize that this export won’t happen immediately — mine took several days but that was a few years ago when they were just starting this service.

Once your export is finished (you’ll get an email notification), you can merge your contacts and further export them to a Web page or CSV file for further analysis or your own use. And the service is free.

Disclosure: I did some custom consulting work for the company several years ago.


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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