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Hemingway, Fifty Years Later [Video]

ritz150.jpgAs OpenCulture reminds us, the American novelist Ernest Hemingway died fifty years ago Saturday. He died of a self-administered gunshot wound to the head in Ketchum, Idaho, at the age of 61. Whether you think his fiction is breathtaking or banal, stylistically revolutionary or comical, a true picture of man’s internal life or a brutal cartoon of woman’s, he was and remains important to literature and those of us who love it.

To celebrate it, we’ve pulled together some really amazing videos to celebrate the author of “The Short, Happy Life of Francis McComber” and “For Whom the Bell Tolls.” Enjoy. (Or revile.)


Nobel acceptance speech

Video essay with original footage

1937 documentary on the Spanish Civil War, narrated by Hemingway

The fantastic Stanley Karnow on his interview with Hemingway

Hemingway talking about his play “The Fifth Column”

Hemingway in Key West

Original footage of Hemingway in Cuba

Photo of the Ritz Bar by Christos Loufopoulos


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