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Find (or Host) a Local Co-Working Space With Loosecubes

loosecubes-logo.jpgTechnology may be enabling an increasingly mobile, untethered workforce, but many people still need productive, office-like environments in which to get things done. If working from home or a coffee shop just doesn’t cut it, there’s always the option of coworking.

Coworking, for those who aren’t familiar, is the growing trend of freelancers and mobile workers coming together in a shared space that looks and feels much like a traditional office. It got started in San Francisco a few years back and there are now over 400 coworking spaces in the world.


While the use of shared workspaces seems to be on the rise, it’s not always immediately obvious where to find such spaces, if they even exist nearby at all. It’s with these issues in mind that Campbell McKeller founded Loosecubes, a self-described “community marketplace for workspace.”

As the tagline suggests, Loosecubes is a Website that lets people both advertise and search for coworking and and shared studio spaces nearby. Anyone with available space can post a listing on the site, whether that space costs money to use or not. Those listings can then be searched by people who need to find a spot in which to work. Workers can get in touch with the owner of the space to work out a schedule and, if necessary, payment.


The workspaces on Loosecubes can be filtered by any number of characteristics, such as what types of workers they would best serve (biz dev, writers, developers, investors or others), the type of space it is (desk, private office, conference room, sofa, etc.) and amenities (parking, projector, printing and scanning equipment and most importantly, coffee).

Members of the site can get recommendations for workspaces based on their preferences and social connections, as determined via Facebook Connect.

Want to give Loosecubes a try? Run a search for coworking spaces near you to see what’s available. If you’ve got space available, put up a listing.


Posted in General, Technology, Web.

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