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Canada Lags in Cloud Adoption Due to Security Concerns [Infographic]

Enterprise clouds According to data visualized in an infographic from Techvibes, Canada lags in cloud adoption with only 47% of Canadian business actively using cloud computing. By comparison, 70% of U.S. businesses, 68% of U.K. businesses and 61% of German businesses use cloud computing.

The number one reason for avoiding the cloud? Security concerns.


Canada cloud infographic

This data is quite different from the data compiled by BitNami, and Zenoss which indicates that most companies are not yet implementing cloud computing strategies. This suggests to me that TechVibes’ sources are using a more broad definition of “cloud” (TechVibes CA and Angus Reid as data sources). For example – does RIM’s BlackBerry e-mail service (which uses servers hosted by RIM) count as cloud computing?

One particularly interesting discrepancy is the matter of security. A small but sizable percentage (32%) of companies in the BitNami/ survey actually cited security as a perceived benefit of cloud computing, not a risk.

Photo by Jeffrey Bell


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